The film's plot, which largely takes place in a cabaret, revolves around a worldly guy who had abandoned a mature lover for a younger and more...
Two sisters struggle to get out of a Buenos Aires suburb, where debts with a loan shark have kept them apart. But soon the inhabitants of the...
An older single woman pretends to be a widow to get a husband but his spouse returns to her life complicating her situation.
Los hombres las prefieren viudas
The film tells the story of the payador José Betinotti, a mythical character in Argentine music. It faithfully reconstructs the scenarios of...
El último payador
The romance between an actress and a young man provokes the rejection of the class to which he belongs.
En el viejo Buenos Aires
A 1941 film.
Persona honrada se necesita
In 1830, a young orphan lady poses as a man in order to meet the expectations of her uncle.
A vagabond saves the child of a rich family. They adopt him and try to impose to him their values and protocols.
A waiter who uses gambling to help others.
El mozo número 13
A girl and her boyfriend have a conflict when a neighbor tries to seduce him.
La juventud manda
During the second half of the 19th century, a young survivor is saved in the Argentine pampas by a man she ends up marrying.
El último perro