This epic Brazilian film was based on the equally epic novel by Antonio Callado. Set between 1954 and 1964, the film's focus is the saga of Jesuit...
Deu Pra Ti Anos 70 is a Brazilian film, shot in super-8 in 1981 in the city of Porto Alegre. It tells the story of the meetings and disagreements...
Deu Pra Ti Anos 70
Dede (Guilherne Fontes) is a Brazilian teen who lives with his middle-class grandparents who are members of the local communist party. When his...
Dedé Mamata
In the 1970s, in the midst of political repression and the ideology of the "Brazilian miracle", a group of teenagers live their daily concerns: the...
Verdes Anos
Me Beija
Four students live in an urban community, where, in principle, everything can be discussed, divided, shared: each one's allowance, personal objects,...
Coisa na Roda