The story revolves around a retired judge, Mr. Sen, living in a farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. The people who stay in the colony are a...
Byomkesh O Chiriakhana
Plot is kept under wraps.
Babu Shona
Abhi (Jeet) confronts Kali Prasad and his son Durga Prasad (Rajesh Sharma). Then?
Arnab's life turns upside after the authorities press false charges against him and send him to jail. When his wife is killed, he sets out to exact...
Rajesh, a policeman, kills Bimal, assuming he is Saheb, a goon. As a result, Seema, Bimal's beautiful widow, is forced into an unfortunate life in a...
Gangstar King
Hemanta, a student of filmmaking in New York, returns to Kolkata before his mother is going to marry his uncle after his father's suicide. He...
Aagun Pakhi is a Bengali drama film, directed by Shubhrajit Mitra, under the banner of Mindscapes Maestros. The film depicts how people suffer in the...
Aagun Pakhi
Estranged sweethearts naive Nawbab and not hot enough Nanndini, who were separated during childhood, reunite at a college and fall in love. Will...
Nabab Nandini
A ne'er-do-well must man up to confront his brother's tormentors, and wise up in order to fight for the love of the right woman.