Three cousins, Arjun, Divya and Kannan, relocate to Bangalore for various reasons. However, they face many challenges which change their lives...
Bangalore Naatkal
Pombalai Orumai is a thriller Malayalam movie
Pombalai Orumai
Pancho and Vinci struggle to make money to buy precious stones from a don. However, they end up in trouble when they encounter many people who are...
Double Barrel
The story revolves around five people who are enjoying their life in Kochi. Indrajith Sukumaran plays a creative ad director; Remya Nambeesan as...
Arikil Oraal
Pakida tells the story of Aadi who meets a mysterious and concealing traveler George Koshy Anthrapper and travels with him from Kochi to Madurai. On...
Balakrishnan is a lawyer who hasn't been able to achieve much in his professional life due to his stammer. His life takes an interesting turn when...
Kodathi Samaksham Balan Vakeel