This is the story of a savage confrontation spawned by the desperate struggle for survival. The Long Hot Deadly Summer follows one stifling summer in...
Deadly Summer
In the Nagarhole Tiger Reserve, there is a kingdom named Kabini, which is home to a rogue confederation of animal tribes vying for dominance. But, a...
The Real Black Panther
Two New Zealand fur seal pups. Born on opposite sides of New Zealand’s South Island. We follow the first few months of their lives as they...
Fur Seals
Glacier National Park is undergoing dramatic changes. As the glaciers that give this wilderness its name rapidly melt away, it is clear the park will...
Glacier National Park
Survival in the Caribbean islands of Cuba and Hispaniola requires adaptation. Over time, new species, such as the solenodon, have formed.
Life and Death in Paradise: Crocs of the Caribbean
Imagine a biology lab filled by a 40-foot specimen, ready for dissection. The creature has skin like a crocodile, eyes the size of softballs and...
T. Rex Autopsy
Records the battle for the survival of the big cats and reveals intimate details of their lives. The animals they prey on are also in the film:...
Russia's Wild Tiger
North Korea embraces cyber-crime for profit and disruption with a 6,000 strong army of cyber criminals worldwide.
Inside North Korea: The Cyber State
We go behind the scenes and into the minds of artists as they capture, commemorate, and, at times, condemn our presidents.
Picturing the Presidents
They are some of the biggest pyramids on the planet, millions of tons of stone and earth towering above the landscape in a display of massive wealth...
National Geographic: Pyramids of Death
Vampire Forensics
On a summer's night, there's nothing more magic than watching the soft glow of fireflies switching on and off. Few other life forms on land can light...
Creatures of Light
How Germany was when its people entered the nightmare of World War II? Despair and fear lead a hungry population to follow the chilling call of just...
Dawn of the Nazis
Far from civilization, a team of scientists, led by Dr. Enric Sala and joined by Explorer-in-Residence Mike Fay, search in a wilderness of waves for...
Journey to Shark Eden