The musical begins mid-way through the trial of Dmitri Karamazov (Mizu Natsuki) for the murder of his father Fyodor (Mirai Yuuki). Dmitri maintains...
The Brothers Karamazov
The story of the transformational Maximilien Robespierre is of a man fueled by a burning passion for revolutionary ideals that eventually engulfed...
A Passage Through the Light ~Maximilien Robespierre, the Revolutionary~
It is 17th-century France, where Louis XIV, the "Sun King," reigns. The Musketeers, who answer to the king, diligently train themselves day in and...
All for One - D'Artagnan and the Sun King
Paris, 1789. A young revolutionary peasant and a maid of Queen Marie-Antoinette fall in love at the brink of the French Revolution.
1789: The Lovers of the Bastille
Takarazuka Moon Troupe 2013 performance of Me and My Girl, based on the Broadway musical of the same name, with book and lyrics by L. Arthur Rose and...
Me and My Girl