In Bodeen, Texas, Land Of The Dragon, an indie-rock loving misfit finds a way of dealing with her small-town misery after she discovers a roller...
Whip It
A Freshman College Girl on a scholarship from an abstinence group that advocates saving sex until marriage discovers that her antics on a night of...
American Virgin
The story revolves around a man trying to uncover the mysterious death of his girlfriend and save an innocent man from the death chamber in the...
The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations
UNREQUITED is a psychological thriller and tells the story of Ben Jacobs, a troubled young man who, on his 18th birthday, has to leave the group home...
Set in Las Vegas, the film centers on a man who attends his best friend's bachelor party, unaware of an insidious agenda that plays into hunting...
Hostel: Part III
In the near future, when communications go offline at a remote nuclear power plant isolated in the desert, a young safety inspector, Abby Dixon, is...
After giving up on making it in the Chicago improv scene, a young comedian fatefully reconnects with the former love of his life one fall night while...
A group of survivors trapped in a New York apartment fight to stay alive against legions of zombies.
Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn