Set against the backdrop of construction activity promising to fill in the empty spaces of the urban landscape with entirely new neighborhoods, a...
My Father's Wings
Doctor Kemal is head of a private hospital, is ambitious and has the best intentions for the residents of Istanbul. He is the best candidate for...
You Know Him
Alper is a renowned chef in his 30s at his own luxury restaurant. He lives an isolated life and spends his nights with one-night stands and paid...
Zuhal, a successful lawyer living alone in the center of Istanbul, begins to hear the sound of a cat in her house one day. She sets out on a quest in...
Xate is an ordinary woman from Midyat with eight children in tow. The only thing that sets her apart is her husband's job as Mayor of Midyat. Until,...
Government Woman
The residents of a small town set between a stormy sea and an ominous forest are becoming insane. They are convinced that successive signs appearing...
A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the...
Government Woman 2
Called for a job interview, four candidates go through a dark, mysterious, brutal test to get the job.
A group of drug-influenced lumpen teenagers from the suburbs of the city descends into the center where they do not belong, where they are excluded....
At the Bar
One day waves bring a wooden statue of Lenin to a small town by the Black Sea. The statue is erected in the town square by the Municipality with the...
You Me Lenin
36-year-old Alis starts living in his car after his father kicks him out of the house. He shaves on the street, eats the food his mother brings over...