Adventure climber Leo Houlding and film maker Alastair Lee are back with another sumptuous production of truly epic proportions. This time Leo (UK)...
The film follows Leo's ambitious project to make a first free ascent on the North Tower of the incredible Mt Asgard on Baffin Island deep in the...
The Asgard Project
The complete 2011 REEL ROCK Film Tour: Six astounding short films covering every style of climbing on the planet. Starring Tommy Caldwell, Dean...
Reel Rock 6
The 2013 film from Alastair Lee is an epic to end all mountain epics se t in the stunning mountains of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. The feature...
The Last Great Climb
Once again, Masters of Stone breaks through to the cutting edge of the sport. Harder, Faster, Bolder, Newer, and more...six points of breakthrough in...
Masters of Stone VI - Breakthrough
Antartide Estrema