A young woman possessed by a demonic succubus; who then causes the death and destruction of the people around her through their deepest and darkest...
Lucifer's Unholy Desire
15 years ago, the Super Task Force Six were shut down in secret by The evil Emperor Zagel. Since then, he has been working on a super weapon powered...
Super Task Force One
Dave has had what some might call a bad day. His best friend forced him to go on a date with a girl that doesn't quite seem to be his taste. Not to...
A parody of slasher movies, including parodies of the five biggest slashers taking on an over the top action hero, The Slasher Hunter.
The Slasher Hunter
Duke hates his job. He has to let kids climb on his back and ride him for hours every single day. But one brat finally pushed him too far. Duke has...
An independent film company sends a videographer ahead of a story to investigate a body farm where human decomposition is researched. The footage she...
Body Farm
I'm Tara, I like killing people! I've been doing it a long time now and realized there might be some folks that want to see what it's like. So I made...
Red Christmas