The quirky series that sparked mainstream porns she-male craze makes its return! Adult video legend Joey Silvera has directed another gender-bending...
Rogue Adventures 39
Globetrotting thrill seeker Jay Sin’s recent adventures have uncovered gorgeous she-males that combine petite femininity with hard-charging...
TS Playground 21
In “Trans-Visions 2,” transsexual video pioneer Joey Silvera presents every configuration of she-male fun.
Trans-Visions 2
Demented she-male wrangler Joey Silvera has assembled one of his finest casts of ultra-feminine chicks with dicks in “Trans-Visions 3,”...
Trans-Visions 3
When director Jay Sin merges his infamous style of anal porn with the naked eroticism of beautiful, gender-bending she-creatures, the results are...
TS Playground 14
“She-Male Idol: The Auditions 4” shows top trans-porn director Joey Silvera’s casting sessions with fresh TS talent.
She-Male Idol: The Auditions 4
Director Jay Sin’s signature style — extreme anal perversions presented with an inviting sense of playful delight — is the perfect...
TS Playground 20
Take a walk on the wild side with these beautiful ladies! They've got a big surprise for you!
Tranny Surprise 47
Tranny Brazil features three hot shemales sucking and fucking for your viewing pleasure. Sheylla likes to stroke her dick while she's getting fucked...
Tranny Brazil
In 'TS Playground 24,' distinctive director Jay Sin spotlights feminine, fully functional trans beauties in solo sessions and gender-bent trysts with...
TS Playground 24