It follows Michael's life from joining Wham! in 1981, to the present-day covering his career as a solo artist including personal and professional...
George Michael: A Different Story
Spandau Ballet brothers Martin and Gary Kemp return to the BBC for a New Year comedy documentary special. Rhys Thomas OBE has been given...
The Kemps: All Gold
Best known for their radio staples "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" and "Careless Whisper," the seminal 80s pop group Wham! (George Michael and Andrew...
Wham! in China: Foreign Skies
One of the defining pop groups of the 1980's, the ebullient duo Wham! were chart toppers and award-winners. With their straightforward, infectious...
Wham! - The Best of Wham!
Spandau Ballet global superstars Gary and Martin Kemp, their lives, and their careers.
The Kemps: All True