Struggling to balance her demanding job and managing her daughter Daphne while separating from her husband, hospital researcher Maria enlists her...
The Threat Next Door
After losing his fiancée to a wealthy rival, Bob hires the Wing Man to help him get her back. Subsequently, though, the Wing Man faces off...
Wing Man
A divorcee meets her seemingly perfect match on an online dating site, only to discover he's a scammer who's looking to destroy her life. When she...
Burned by Love
Following the murder of his fiancée, Mitch Rapp trains under the instruction of Cold War veteran Stan Hurley. The pair then is enlisted to...
American Assassin
Fatima is a Toronto-born modern muslim girl raised in a family of mixed-cultures and mixed messages about what her role in the world is. She gets...
Becoming Burlesque
Lily and Richard move to a luxurious and cult-like community, where Lily becomes unsettled by the transformation she observes in her older husband...
The Amaranth
When a young Afghan immigrant named Mina gets her first job in a nursing home, an unexpected friendship with Luis, a resident with dementia,...
The Cuban
Dating within different cultures and being open to all religions, Ethan must deal with constant roadblocks. From First Nations to South American, his...