Set against the pulsating backdrop of rustic North India, Love Hostel traces the volatile journey of star-crossed lovers, being hunted by a ruthless...
Love Hostel
Following a traumatic chapter in their lives, Sameer and Nargis try to lead a happy life by adopting Nandini, a friend's orphaned niece. But fate...
Khuda Haafiz Chapter 2: Agni Pariksha
A sensitive and manipulated video clip is circulated amongst the co-workers of the factory where the couple work, which unleashes unexpected...
The curious case of missing girls investigated by a maniac cop.
The Pickup Artist
Shiv Shastri, a retiree from India and a big Rocky movie fan moves to the USA and ends up on an unexpected road trip through the American heartland...
Shiv Shastri Balboa
Small town university student Sourabh Sharma gets restless with the various activities of left-wing classmates who are anti-national and raises his...
JNU: Jahangir National University