Helena, a woman living a seemingly ordinary life, hides a dark secret—her father is the infamous 'Marsh King', the man who kept her and her...
The Marsh King's Daughter
Dr. Samantha Martin struggles to find answers while surviving a massive world splicing event that has brought the past and future into the present.
The Fore-Men
Jazz legend Chet Baker finds love and redemption when he stars in a movie about his own troubled life to mount a comeback.
Born to Be Blue
A black police officer is pushed to the edge, taking out his frustrations on the privileged community he's sworn to protect.
Black Cop
It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy...
The Carmilla Movie
Pursuing two respectably married women at the same time, a would-be seducer fails to anticipate that his targets will, quite literally, compare...
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Ryder and the pups are called to Adventure City to stop Mayor Humdinger from turning the bustling metropolis into a state of chaos.
PAW Patrol: The Movie