Baye Laye is the captain of a fishing pirogue. Like many of his Senegalese compatriots, he sometimes dreams of new horizons, where he can earn a...
The Pirogue
The debut feature from Franco-Senegalese filmmaker Dyana Gaye charts the interconnected destinies of three far-flung sojourners across three...
Under the Starry Sky
Milan, like Paris or Stuttgart, and like many other European cities, is the theater of the drama of immigration. Demba reconstructs his story and...
Waalo Fendo - Where the Earth Freezes
Broke, with nothing but her cat to her name and doors closing in her face, Paula is back in Paris after a long absence. As she meets different people...
Jeune Femme
Jeanne, a young modern woman, mourns her brother who died in the front a few months earlier in WW I. She can not bring herself to marry the rich and...
The Permission