The employees of an indoor amusement park face a nightmarish reality when a killer emerges, fixated on the park's fictional character. Amidst the...
Phantom Fun-World
A group of young filmmakers, led by neophyte producer Alex Romero, venture out on a location scout in rural Pennsylvania. Deep into the back country,...
Wolf Hollow
Joshua, suffering from a terminal brain tumor, goes to live with his parents for his final days and embarks on a psilocybin induced spiritual journey.
Fields Adrift
Friends arrive at a forested state park. They plan on camping all while partaking in some psychedelic's. Whilst coming up on the endeavors, a Wendigo...
Placid Park
The night before her wedding, Thalia Mendez finds herself facing off with potential home invaders and must get to her apartment on the third floor...
Cold Feet