Based on the actual case of Marianne Bachmeier from 1981, the film tells the story of a mother who in a calm and determined manner shoots the...
Annas Mutter
In the Bavarian village of Schladerbach, the kobold Hatschipuh and his comrades live, of whose existence only Grandpa Reiter is aware. When the...
Her husband Niklas' loan fraud plunges housewife Laura Vandenberg into disaster. While Niklas is behind bars and the company is being wound up, Laura...
Das Beste Jahr meines Lebens
Rosamunde Pilcher: Sommer des Erwachens
Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old...
Utta Danella - Das Familiengeheimnis
Rosamunde Pilcher: Gezeiten der Liebe