A young sketch artist agrees to a in-house therapy session with a well renowned psychiatrist as his life begins sprawling out of control after years...
Mickey Hardaway
A seasoned funeral director is faced with his own mortality when he must prepare a funeral for a man who looks exactly like him.
Heaven, I Suppose
After her mother-in-law is mysteriously killed, Leah and her husband relocate from Harlem to his family's estate in coastal Georgia, where she...
The Geechee Witch: A Boo Hag Story
Tiana is lonely, pregnant, and discontented, but she plods through a weary day after deciding to sacrifice her husband's traditional beliefs for the...
A former high school bully is sent on a harrowing journey when an old classmate recommends a mysterious new ride share service.
Driven Out
Five years after surviving Art the Clown's Halloween massacre, Sienna and Jonathan are still struggling to rebuild their shattered lives. As the...
Terrifier 3