The story of the triumphs and hurdles of brothers Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibb, otherwise known as the Bee Gees. The iconic trio, who found early...
The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
The War on Disco explores the culture war that erupted over the spectacular rise of disco music. Originating in underground Black and gay clubs,...
The War on Disco
Life in the small town of Grandview, Illinois is one that is just like any other city or town. Tim Pearson, soon to be graduating high school wants...
Grandview, U.S.A.
Bobby Riley is an affable Irish-American guy-next-door, gay and still in the closet. Bobby's discomfort with being openly gay is a source of friction...
Outing Riley
Super 8mm film documenting "Disco Demolition Night," which took place after game one of a July 12, 1979 doubleheader between the Chicago White Sox...
Rock Sox Disco Sux
Shock jock pioneer, Steve Dahl declared that July 14, 1979 would be the end of disco when he blew up thousands of disco records in the outfield at...
Disco Demolition: The Real Story
The sun's too bright, the traffic's going to be bad, there's too many people out there... It's just easier to sit back on the couch and laugh with...
Richard Lewis: I'm Exhausted