The familiar story of Lieutenant Bligh, whose cruelty leads to a mutiny on his ship. This version follows both the efforts of Fletcher Christian to...
The Bounty
A platoon of British paratroopers on border patrol in South Armagh face a series of tense encounters.
The adventures of a boy and girl, who in company with a blind young man and his guide dog, track down the kidnappers of their friend.
Blind Man's Bluff
Video-shot on studio sets, Stars of the Roller State Disco borders on science fiction of the dystopian variety. Unemployed youngsters spend their...
Stars of the Roller State Disco
During WWII a youth deserts his country's army after a combat experience, but not before wounding his commanding officer with a knife in order to...
The Raggedy Rawney
William Jones runs away from home, haunted by the memory of his father. To lay this ghost, he must search the back streets of London for a man called...
John Diamond
Inspired by true events. Billy (Phil Daniels) comes home on shore leave from the Royal Navy, and discovers that his brother Michael has died two...
A group of boys serving Community Service orders are working on the conversion of an old railway station, when a local magistrate comes to visit them.
A Visitor from Outer Space
After a chance meeting and an indiscreet conversation, childhood friends Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley become involved in a convoluted intrigue...
The Secret Adversary
Lawrence Hastings, retired prep school headmaster, has few pleasures in life. One is flying a kite, until that too is spoilt by the intrusions of an...