The possibility of Oscar gold holds the cast and crew of an independent film in its grip after the performance of its virtually unknown, veteran star...
For Your Consideration
A plane containing a highly classified government project crashes outside of a small town in the US. Realizing the level of danger, the government...
Action - When an elite band of private mercenaries known as Black Knight gets caught behind enemy lines in a Middle East combat zone, their only hope...
Sector 4: Extraction
In a reality show that’s too real, the contestants are dying. Now only one will survive… Beyond The Game! Kill or be Killed! Beyond the...
Beyond the Game
Gritty action thriller about an aging assassin who is double crossed by his employer when he refuses to assassinate a woman he just met. On the run;...
The Chemist
After being busted for a heist, a former CIA contractor is sent to a Mexican prison. His former CIA boss offers him freedom if he can break into the...
This movie is a 'found-footage' film about the Benson family who move in to the infamous house where the DeFeo family were murdered in the 1970s over...
The Amityville Haunting