In the summer of 1993, a group of Bosnian refugees flee to Sweden due to the war in Bosnia. The Swedish Red Cross places refugees in a pavilion for...
My Mother's Swedish Heart
The first Yugoslav Partisan air force unit. Loosely based on historical facts.
The Battle of the Eagles
It depicts a night out of a young man from Sarajevo.
A Day, Days... of Nedzad K.
A drama set in a war-torn Sarajevo.
The Shooter
The plot of this film is set in an idyllic village in the middle of Bosnia, connected with outer world only with a tunnel. Story begins in 1996, when...
The Tunnel
A story that will show you through a multitude of unpredictable, humorous, but also stressful situations how diversity works. when they have the same...
The Butterfly Effect
Follows the story of several characters whose life constantly interact and in their very own way mutually influence each other.
Rhythm of Life