Animated film about two young boys, Bolek and Lolek, who seek to fulfill the last will of Phileas Fogg who decided that his inheritor would be the...
Around the World with Bolek and Lolek
Russia, 1870. A group of young anarchist revolutionaries set out to overthrow the Czarist regime through violence. Their attacks create a climate of...
The Possessed
About a sound designer for films who years ago, while in bed with his mistress, failed to respond to calls for help outside his door. Now during the...
Angel in the Wardrobe
Roy, who lives abroad, recollects his youth. Soon he receives news about his old friend's death.
Zad wielkiego wieloryba
Biography film directed by Stanislaw Rózewicz.
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Jan comes to a mountain town to test a new model of a hang-glider. There he meets a young teacher.
David, a boy who stays with his parents in a small cabin in a jungle, not only gets a reliable puppy named Pips for his birthday, but he also...
David and the Magic Pearl