On an improbable train journey, nine comedian women and devilishly feminist, swing, hit, bite and move. With committed humour, they pinpoint the...
Les femmes préfèrent en rire
One More Joke à la tour Eiffel Paris rétro
Derrière un micro
Les Capone se marient
Hosted by Kyan Khojandi, in sixty minutes, sixty artists follow one another on stage. Which means they have sixty seconds, and not one more, to hold...
60 comedians in 60 minutes, that's what Kyan Khojandi has to offer tonight.
Festival d'humour de Paris : Fier.e.s
Montreux Comedy Festival 2017 - Gala Fary-Wiesel
A short film on man's best friend set during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tania Dutel : Les Autres
Les Capone attendent un bébé
Hakim is mysteriously sent into the future, but only five years from now...
Five Years From Now