When the moon is full, a friendly WOLF turns into a savage, bloodthirsty MAN and goes on a kill spree in a starlet's Hollywood mansion.
Audie & the Wolf
A pack of massive genetically altered Scorpions escape containment on an airplane, turning passengers into victims and forcing one ordinary woman to...
Tail Sting
Just how far would you go to get financing for your business? Donald Chandler is the owner of a restaurant who suddenly finds himself without a...
Loco Love
In search of a new energy source, Russia accidentally reawakens the Kolossus - a giant robot doomsday device from the Cold War. At the same time, a...
Mega Shark vs. Kolossus
Heather and her friends have some devilish fun on the social website, ConnectMeNet. However, their amusement has come at the expense of a lonely and...
This short film is adapted from Madame d'Aulnoy's clasic fairy tale, The White Cat. The White Cat was originally planned as a feature film musical...
Fairy Ballet
Set on a stormy night on Christmas Eve, a small town female sheriff who secretly is a serial killer gets a visit from a mysterious woman who tells...
Night of the Missing
Young and starry-eyed Sara leaves small town life for Hollywood glamor. When she meets street-wise artist J.C., his drug addicted hustler buddy David...
Down the Barrel
Watch in horror as crazed fundamentalists from the future lead by evil commander, Protar Abdul Omar, kidnap Mr. and Mrs. Claus and plot to send an...
Santa Claus vs. the Taliban: Time Travellers from Outer Space