Aki is an unsuccessful 29-year-old actress who eventually became a magician's assistant. While pretending to be hypnotised on the stage, Aki finds...
The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
Nana, who aims to be an actress, has no buds. Nagasaki calls out to Nana as she walks through her town. She is curtly treated by her, but invites...
Kôshoku danjo: Sex no kisetsu
Focusing on the lives (and a few deaths) of three filmmakers, Rikiya Imaizumi (Their Distance, Sad Tea) tackles weighty themes in this new ensemble...
Same Old, Same Old
Shibuya in Tokyo, a city that continues to change due to redevelopment. At a house in the corner of Shibuya, Ai dreaming of a model, Mizuho working...
Rolling Marbles
Norio and his girlfriend, Mari Tanabe, have been dating for three years. They lived a peaceful life until one summer day, where Norio comes home to...
Mari and Mari