The film is an adaptation of Nakano Yu's play "Sexual Beauty Techniques," serialized as a manga.
Kōshoku biyōshi: Nikutai no hōshū
After meeting an artist who specializes in the practice of BDSM a married couple decides to spice up their marriage with a little bit of doggie...
Rope Cosmetology
High School Erotopia: Red Uniforms
Three young boys drunkenly rape a woman named Emiko, the wife of a man they've developed a friendship with. She dies of heart failure during the...
Rape and Death of a Housewife
After having dropped out of school and given birth at age 16, Mako has little choice but to move in with the baby's deadbeat father. Struggling to...
Confessions of a Teenage Mother
Two women end up in prison because of they fell for the same two timing con man. When they discover each other all hell breaks loose.
Women in Prison
The story of a group of artistic people centred around a bar in Shinjuku.
Shinjuku Midare Machi: Ikumade Matte
A high school boy with violent impulsive tendencies begins a troubled relationship with an older woman he sees at a funeral.
Nikutai no akuma
Yuichi prides himself on the fact that he is a family man but contrary to his conception of an ideal family life, at age 24, his wife has already run...
Love Me Tenderly, Love Me Wildly