After the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament, deep below the sands of Egypt, an ancient evil has awakened. Anubis, who was defeated centuries...
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
Cyclops and Emma Frost re-form the X-Men to "astonish" the world. But when breaking news regarding a cure to the mutant gene unexpectedly hits the...
Astonishing X-Men: Gifted
Kirby battles a fleet of mysterious spaceships that have the effrontery to attack Dream Land. The pint-sized hero embarks on a nerve-shattering...
Kirby: Fright to the Finish!
Meet the Davis family - a picture of 1950's American perfection. There's hardworking Mr. Davis, lovely Mrs. Davis, their adorable kids Sally and...
Have You Seen Calvin?
In this special, a myterious evildoer is fed up with the bad guys losing to the good guys all the time. He steals the broadcast codes of the Fox Box...
The Fight for the Fox Box