A black comedy set in the 1960s in a small Netherlands community, populated by a cast of eccentrics, all of whom hold a range of sexual obsessions...
The Northerners
The film opens with a rubber-clad woman stepping sensuously out of a limousine. The camera lovingly closes-up on her stilletoed foot... She enters a...
The Sequence of Parallel Bars
While still living in Amsterdam under his birth name 'Ian Kerkhof,' Aryan Kaganof co-penned the script for his friends Victor Nieuwenhuijs and...
Venus in Furs
The film tells the story of six mental cases, trying to get rid of society's norms and values by kidnapping Gerard van Dongen, a well-known TV host....
A middle-aged journalist interviews the real-life Dutch star Katja Schuurman, in her own loft. Pierre, the journalist is annoyed at being given such...
A heroin-addicted artist (Thom Hoffman) hugs his self-imposed isolation. While he was in an empty factory to painting, he heroin syringe. He dreams...
White Madness