Set in the late 1980s, this family drama is about an 11-year-old boy who befriends his landlord, nicknamed Old Fox, and learns from him how to...
Old Fox
Ren is the owner of a second-hand electric appliance store, likes to watch erotic photos in his unexciting and lonesome life. Until one day, his life...
Jen-chieh returns to Taiwan after his visa expires. In the old family home, he tries to find the traces of his father's love and the courage to get...
I'm Home
Jhong wakes up and finds himself dead. He watches his remaining family members dealing with his death while they speak their thoughts over breakfast....
Can You Hear Me?
In school, Wang Hsiao-hsia and her childhood friend Yuzu are seen as a couple, but Hsiao-hsia secretly longs for the transfer student Cheng Yih....
I am the Secret in Your Heart
“Like wild geese flying together, we will be with each other for the rest of our lives and never ever separate.” During the Third Taiwan...
she & him
Widow Lin Xiumei realizes that soon after both of her sons have left home, she changes into someone who was once “needed” to an...
Koali & Rice
Li Zhenghong (Zhang Zhehao) is unwilling to be blind and can only be assigned to do word processing work in a law firm. He strives to participate in...
Invisible Justice
Old Ji is an old farmer that runs a working exchange hostel in a valley. One day, a backpacker arrives at the hostel.