1995 documentary film that examines that 60's craze and focuses in particular on the two 1960's Doctor Who films starring Peter Cushing (the Cushing...
Three alien beings - a Sontaran officer, a Draconian nobleman and a Human mercenary - find themselves transported to a remote asteroid by a...
Climb aboard the HMS Belfast and enter Pinewood Film Studios for a fascinating and humorous insight into the making of SHAKEDOWN — Return of...
The Making of Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans
The space solar yacht Tiger Moth under the command of no-nonsense Captain Lisa Deranne is on a cruise taking some rich misfits on a voyage through...
Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans
BBC Executives are gathered to come up with a new concept for Doctor Who on television. After the Children's and Drama departments are excluded the...
The Few Doctors