A young office worker turns into an insect. As an insect, he enters the orifices of his enemies and possesses them, allowing him to enact his revenge...
Bondage Ecstasy
Harumi and Sayuri came to Japan from the Philippines to work. Although they are not sisters, Sayuri adores Harumi like an older sister. When Harumi's...
Hunting Young Wives: Tormenting Their Erogenous Zones
A high-school girl with a hobby of documenting stuff with her video camera films a woman getting raped in a dirty alley. She get in contact with the...
Seifuku nusumi-dori-ma: Gekisha naburu
Tsuda, a former Self Defense Force officer who now works as an entertainment agency, is asked by his former boss to investigate a man named Hiraoka....
Indecent Tongue Technique