This German crime drama was based on a true story. Willy Forst stars as a poverty-stricken Italian glazier who falls in love with French hotel maid...
The Theft of the Mona Lisa
The sensitive, music-loving son of a German general reluctantly attends a military academy and after warning a fellow officer to stay away from the...
When Albers takes his drug-addicted opera star sister Gerda to a sanitarium, they both become targets of slimy dope peddler Peter Lorre, who fears...
The White Demon
A military wife remarries after she thinks her Russian husband has died in battle, and when he returns alive he enlists in the Foreign Legion rather...
Sergeant X
Die unsichtbare Front
The story is about Conrad Veidt as military attache in Turkey where he learns to know an English consul (Heinrich George) and his attractive wife who...
The Man Who Committed the Murder
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the...
Ludwig II, King of Bavaria
Der Läufer von Marathon