A highly skilled bodyguard avenging his brother's untimely death uncovers a ring of corruption extending to the highest levels of society and...
The Liquidator
A universal story about the freedom of the human spirit and the struggle against slavery and despotism, about love, loss and betrayal. It is seen...
Myn Bala: Warriors of the Steppe
The story of a boy named Bibble and an old musician Kasymkhan, their accidental acquaintance, which grew into a great friendship. The old man becomes...
The Little Prince of the Big City
The mafia killed the parents, wife and children of Rashid, who went through the hell of the Afghan war. Having lost his most precious possession and...
A story about the blows inflicted on Kazakhstan by soviet government.
Leyla’s Prayer
Mika falls in love with Anuar who is already engaged with other lady.
100 Minutes About Love
A new project of Kazakhstani cinematographers under the general direction of Yegor Konchalovsky, which is a feature film. It consists of 10 unrelated...
Astana, I Love You