A gripping war drama that tells the story of Maria Petrova, in whose fate, as in a mirror, the fate of the country was reflected: the daughter of a...
These are the dark times around 1720 in Russia. Tsar Peter the Great dies and his highly esteemed partner and friend Prince Menshikov rules the...
The Secret Service Agent's Memories
Artyom, a young adventurer, meets Felix - the once legendary art thief, who was called "Number One". The "Old School" and the newcomer decide to...
Number One
One Day a Year
Europe, 1709. Russia and Sweden are at war. Two French duelists are exiled by King Louis XIV of France: one to the side of Czar Peter the Great of...
The Sovereign's Servant
The film tells about the engineer Gorelikov, who, together with his disabled friend, opens a salon with computers for children and students. And...
Dude - Water Winner
XIII century. The villain seized power in the Murom principality. Only the brave warrior Peter goes out to fight the villain and defeats him. But the...
The Tale of Peter and Fevronia
Misha is a quiet, dreamy boy. His dearest wish is to one day meet a real elk. He is always out and about in the countryside with his father where...
My Own Personal Moose
Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. Kostya dreams of playing professionally, but cannot bring himself to approach the...
The future has come and it seems cold-callers are not just a thing of the past and they are just as unwelcome.
A story from the life of things.
Who is Krakozyabrik?
A single mom traveling in Paris with her son becomes entangled in a strange and dangerous side of the romantic city when she helps out a mysterious...
Walk in Paris