Martin revolves around Lt. Brigadier Arjun Saxena, whose journey takes him from Pakistan to India to discover his real identity and fight against...
Server Sundaram
A happy-go-lucky-guy falls in love with the sister of a ruthless gangster. How does the former convince his lover's brother?
Sakka Podu Podu Raja
Kiran and his girlfriend Smita decide to turn the former's ancestral property into a hotel to pay off their loans. They do it with the help of his...
Next Nuvve
The journey of Bhagwan Dada. A common man who rose to the top and became a legend in Indian Cinema.
Ekk Albela
A sexually-starved spirit traps two couples in a bungalow in Bangkok where they have planned to stay for a week. The spirit wants one of the two men...
Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuthu
It is a contemporary story of a teenager who portrays an image of a protagonist is progressive-thinking, creative, tech-savvy, yet socially...
Vijay, a software engineer happens to share a coach with Jenny where they share beers, then one thing leads to another and they get physically...
Life surprises you with its weird plans and events which changes our lives so much so that we can never go back to being what we were earlier. At...
Gaalipata 2