A mentally ill young woman Valda convinces herself that a boy growing up in an orphanage is her child. Following the footsteps of a thousands...
Following a traumatic experience, Gaile, a speech therapist, is incapable of feeling any emotion. However, while preparing a video presentation for a...
The Collectress
When a 7-year-old son of the well-known businessman is kidnapped, he has no idea what awaits him! It turns out that the mysterious kidnapper does not...
It is a short story about ordinary street guys. Like many others they want to be cool. They want to love, to possess, to survive and to fulfill their...
Easily and Sweetly
A true story about an 11-year-old girl named Maria who makes her way back home to Lithuania from Siberia.
The Excursionist
Nowadays Lithuania, the country with strong traditions of Catholicism and society's negative attitude to minorities (homophobia). The tragicomedy is...
Christmas. Uncensored