Follows the story of Sarah, who comes under fire from her family, friends and colleagues when she marries an African man, Maas. When she discovers...
Broken English
Based on the idea by Roland Topor (screenwriter of Roman Polanski's The Tenant), this very curious completely silent melodrama tells the story of...
The Daughter of the Railroad Crossing Guard
The erratic life of Patrice who, after having murdered the pimp of his mother to avenge the death of her, goes from town to town.
The Bastard
A butcher dreams of becoming a famous director. He hires stars that he begins to kill.
The Butcher, the Star and the Orphan
In pre-French Revolution Bastille, the Marquis is held being unjustly accused of working to overthrow the king. While his talking penis, Colin, longs...
Paul and Rene, two men in their forties weary with life. One a widower, the other is divorced and pays alimony to his ex-wife. They live together, go...
Two Lions in the Sun