Mimořádný případ
Zlatník Ondra
Katka nelže!
A WW I veteran still haunted by his time in the trenches settles in a small town to work for the railroad company. His pretty wife attracts the...
Guard No. 47
A fairy tale based on motifs taken from Josephine tales. Like Josef II, the fictitious emperor Maxmilián often disappears from the castle in...
The Emperor and the Drummer
Stříbrný smrček
O Ječmínkovi
Rohanův princip
This production of Ostrava TV Studios was inspired by actual events which occurred in the Ostrava region of Moravia during the 1920s and 1930s. A...
Konto separato
Každý den karneval
O králi, hvězdáři, kejklíři a třech muzikantech