Follows a youngster Kalai and his aspirations of becoming a 'Star' in the Tamil Film Industry. Born in a lower-middle-class family, will Kalai...
A barber has a skirmish with a gangster on the road, and this encounter results in him running all over the city to save himself.
A budding director endeavors to research a merciless gangster for making a film on gangsterism. But his secret attempts to conduct the research fail...
Kadhal Virus is a 2002 Tamil film directed by Kathir. The film stars Richard, Sridevi Vijaykumar, Abbas and Manorama in lead roles.
Kadhal Virus
Raja is a boxing champion based in Chennai and Jeeva, his look alike, is an innocent man living in Himachal Pradesh. A mutual friend of both educates...
Naan Rajavaga Pogiren