The comedy of two good for nothing brothers, Timothy (Basorge Tariah Jr.) and Thomas (Victor Osuagwu), having lived in the village as petty thieves...
An illiterate village boy, who has been taken advantage of, heads to the city to study law. He returns with grandiose vocabulary and a mission to...
Powerful Civilian
Powerful Civilian 2
An overbearing husband follows his friend’s advice that to beat a woman is the only way for her to submit but is shocked when his...
Punching Bag
A poor family is highly impressed by a suitor for their daughter because of the mere fact that he lives abroad in America “The Promised...
$1 (One Dollar)
A political aspirant contending for the seat of state governor is faced with a barrage of family problems. When he is struck with a baffling illness,...
Three men are joined together in an uneasy alliance against a cunning fourth. [parts 1-2]
A bright young student is framed for exam malpractice by a lecturer who was opposed to him dating his daughter. After being expelled from university...
My Classmate
Old Soldier embarks on a second career as a corrupt police officer, while Shaki develops a talent for armed robbery. [parts 3-4 of My Classmate]
Iron Pant
After a pastor loses his family to a car accident, events cause his congregation to backslide, and even the pastor is tempted away.
Grace to Grass
A woman impersonates her absent father to protect his business from falling into the hands of greedy relatives.
Move Like a Boss
Titus is having hot pants for Okey’s fiancée and goes to tell her as much. The lady gives him a perfect dress down. Titus swears to deal...
Titus the Village Gossiper