A 4-partmade-for-television feature film. Two young physicists, engaged in the problems of atmospheric electricity and the study of thunderstorm...
In this heavyhanded political allegory, set in the plains and mountains of Central Asia, a tribe of people led by the fanatical Mavrut (Vladimir...
A detachment of Red Army soldiers is ambushed, from where only the boy can escape.
The Secret of the Golden Breguet
A successful businessman with a terminal illness returns to Armenia and buys a mental institution.
Symphony of Silence
Biopic about Niccolo Paganini. He receives training from his father in early childhood. The best teachers of Parma are unable to give him more, so...
Nicolo Paganini
A group of Soviet paratroopers are engaged in a secret operation in Adriatic sea during the last year of WWII.
The Fortress