An innocent encounter on a Greek Island between two men quickly turns dangerous when one witnesses a deal. Back in Germany, stakes are raised further...
We Will Never Die
Rebecca is undecided about what her future life should look like. On the one hand, she is on the path to becoming a teacher, and on the other hand,...
In this mockumentary a first-time documantary filmmaker meets the artist of all classes Ischariot Wiesengrund. Despite their obvious differences the...
I Am Art
Wir werden unsterblich sein
A short cime comedy directed by Mario Möller.
Der Sprung vom Tellerrand
Two best friends from Berlin win a trip to Greece. On their excursion, they get lost on an island. They wander in the woods until they find an...
Orpheus' Song
For Amanda von Hohenstüt, time seems to have stood still. For many years the drag queen has been running the 'Why not?', a trendy bar in...
Time of Monsters