The movie "Guardians 2" tells the story of Gao Tian, an international bodyguard who immediately went to rescue after receiving a...
Bodyguard 2
A mad biology professor, a terminally ill rich man, an adventurer looking for a missing relative, a desperado who only sees money. A group of people...
Longling Insect Valley
The nine-tailed queen of the fox tribe is graceful and beautiful, but unfortunately, she fell into the hands of Yuan Hong, the boss of the seven...
The Queen
The film tells the story of an archaeological team led by Lu Bingzheng and Chen Youde on an expedition to Kunlun Mountain in the 1980s and was...
Kunlun Labyrinth
Wolf Hunting
The film tells the thrilling story of Wu Feng, who struggles to find his long-lost daughter and survives multiple deaths in order to faithfully carry...
Luo Lianwu is investigating the death of his godfather Shen Qianzhe, but he finds out about Ji Yuankun's treachery. After the Shen's death, Ji...
Warfare'Genie Brotherhood of Blades
Legend of Didao
The King of Fighters
In the last years of the Shang dynasty, King Zhou is unruly in his governance. He is seduced by the fox demon Su Daji and becomes licentious, while...
The God Lei Zhenzi