In a not-too-distant future, a lethal virus sweeps across Europe, prompting the creation of quarantine refugee camps in the United States. Police...
Adrenalin: Fear the Rush
In a futuristic theme park, people interact with androids in mafia gangster scenarios, unleashing their deepest violent and sexual desires on the...
The Outsider
In this wasteland of despair the path to redemption is not clear. But Alex – a mutant created with super human DNA – carries the seed of...
Nemesis 3: Time Lapse
After mankind moved into space, the old planet Earth is forgotten, a polluted wasteland where only expelled prisoners still survive.
The Survivor
When a new friend is brutally assaulted, Detective John Droomor is put by chance in charge of the investigation. Although the evidence against the...
Vengeance: A Love Story
Life for a struggling college student changes in an instant when he meets the owner of a male strip club who convinces him to give amateur night a...
Chocolate City
Jewish action flick.