Estela, an idealistic, call center slacker is mentored by Trevor, a pragmatic, senior agent. Their interaction develops into an unconventional...
The film will focus before the birth of the twins. It was a set-up arranged marriage for their father Don Luisito Go Dong Hae played by Ariel Ureta...
Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme
In Incheon airport of South Korea, time stands still for Andres, a depressive best-selling self-help author. He meets Sam, an anxious Overseas...
The Eternity Between Seconds
The story of a young female writer who teams up with a seasoned male writer. Both must work together to rewrite the script of an unfinished love...
Write About Love
Follow an attractive feline saleslady at a department store as she figures in a love triangle between her mongrel janitor boyfriend and her high...
You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story