The historical story of an enemy fighting the wits and courage of an extraordinary brave group of ordinary heroes known as the "Lunan Railway...
Railway Heroes
Set at the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, Chaoyang City was divided into two by the Ho River.
Once Upon a Time in the Old Bridge
Young People and Their Youth of China
In the 1990s, an armed police team in the south-western border of China encounter floods and drug traffickers while on a mission, resulting in heavy...
Raid On The Lethal Zone
A large blast hits the gas pipeline in the industrial park due to a sudden earthquake, which triggers massive explosions and engulfs the neighboring...
Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and...
In the early 1990s when the Chinese men's table tennis team is at a low ebb, head coach Cai Zhenhua is tasked with forming a new team to finally...
Ping-Pong: The Triumph
In 1937, eight hundred Chinese soldiers fight under siege from a warehouse in the middle of the Shanghai battlefield, completely surrounded by the...
The Eight Hundred
The triumphs and travails of six members of two single parent families in 19th century Yunnan.
Youth Dinner
On the night of her wedding to General Xiao Kian, princess Wang Xuan transformed into a ghostly Asura Bride, killing and destroying every guest, even...
Asura Bride