This film is an adaptation of a short story of the same name, written by Kao Yi-feng. It tells the story of a green scarab beetle who has transformed...
The Mimicry
Midnight Playground
Sodom's Cat, from Taiwanese director Huang Ting-Chun, asks what it must be like to be a part of this world, and yet feel strangely distant from it....
Sodom's Cat
Hao, a chubby gay man, works as a janitor at a gay spa. For him, romantic relationships are an unreachable dream. One day, an attractive customer,...
Gentleman Spa
Androgynous Phoenix Du, the illicit daughter of a presidential candidate, kills the thug who breaks into her apartment to silence her. She comes...
Wrath of Desire
In the summer of 1979, during Taiwan’s martial law period, Bing-Kuan asks her college friend Shu-Lan to help out on her family’s banana...
Secrets of 1979
Gay high school couple - Ivan, a well-behaved local Taiwanese, and Eric, a rebellious international student from the US, take a road trip down the...
Coming Home