The seemingly casual reunion of three old friends at an out-of-the-way repair shop masks a hidden agenda fuelled by the arrival of a privileged young...
Small Engine Repair
Wisecracking, gum-chewing 12-year-old Gilly is well known in the foster system. Totally unmanageable, she has stayed with more families than she can...
The Great Gilly Hopkins
95 Decibels explores the emotional obstacles parents face when they get an unexpected diagnosis of hearing loss for their child.
95 Decibels
A stunning cancer diagnosis spurs Abbie to seek a future girlfriend for fiancé and childhood sweetheart Sam, who's clueless when it comes to...
Irreplaceable You
An affable underachiever finds out he's fathered 533 children through anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years ago. Now he must decide...
Delivery Man